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Sanctuary Of Light

Welcome to our inter-faith non-profit. 
We operate as a tax-exempt 508(c)(1)(A) compliant (all)faith-based organization.
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Learn More & Invest in our Mission!

“I am you and you are me. Let us remember our oneness. There is no separation in spirit. There is a Golden Thread that connects all of us and when we are kind and serving of one, we are kind and serving to all.
Let us have a grateful heart, integrity in action and purity of intent in all we think, say and do.“


It our mission to bring people together of all faith/spirituality, under the universal law of unconditional love and unity consciousness. 

We hold a strong vision for building a village model that is centered around this idea, as well as uplifting existing communities that are already working in similar ways. 

There are many successful conscious communities around the world, established with their own health care systems, financial systems/ barter and trade economies, permaculture practices and organic food gardens, alternative education school systems, and a common underlying spiritual path focused on universal love and respect for our earth and our people. 


Your donations have the potential to weave together and actualize powerful prayers by funding the foundation of a new-age lifestyle model. 

If you desire more specifics as to where exactly your money can be directed, please reach out to us here. 


It is with our greatest service and joy to be collecting funds to sustain these projects and establish a community of our own under the private & irrevocable trust of “Sanctuary of Light”. 

All proceeds donated to the trust will eventually be invested into purchasing large acres of land plots and building various living structures, education structures, massive gardens, and all that is needed to nourish a thriving independent and off-grid community. 

We intend to offer free housing to indigenous groups/ elders that may choose to live on the land with our expanding community, in hopes to preserve their wisdom, culture and practices, through being incorporated into the community lifestyle. 

Within the community we will honor earth-based wisdom and education. For example, learning traditional ways of tending to the land such as; fire keeping, bee keeping, live-stock care, fabric weaving, rain-water catchment systems, composting, organic gardening/ permaculture, utilizing solar energy, eco-friendly building skills, and carrying forth ritual and ceremonial practices to give back to the earth that we lovingly take from. 

With your donations, you support not only the growth and establishment of this specific community vision, you are also supporting a massive collective awakening and movement across the globe that is calling people forth to live in greater harmony with oneself and the land we live upon. 

If you are already fully on board and feeling generous today, you may find a donation link here, as well as a tax-write off form for your corporation /business / personal reasons if so desired… 

Here are links to a few of our favorite global Eco-village communities that are already established and thriving...


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©2024 by Jhana LaMar. All rights reserved.

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